What Changed WizSource
What changed by release:
Version 2.23 - October 3, 2024
- The WizSource IDE program now has an option to control whether it waits for an external editor program to close.
Version 2.22.3 - September 5, 2023
- Fixed Windows Version on the About window. Recompiled all PowerBuilder apps.
Version 2.22.2 - September 7, 2022
- Added support for PowerBuilder 2021 and 2022 to the PBReboot and PBCompile batch programs.
Version 2.22.1 - September 6, 2022
- Fixed an abort in the History window.
Version 2.22 - August 6, 2022
- WizSource Admin - Upgraded the GUI framework used by the program to a newer version.
- WizSource Admin - Upgraded the source view tab to the latest version of the Scintilla libraries.
- PBEditor - Upgraded the program to the latest version of the Scintilla libraries.
Version 2.21 - October 11, 2020
- WizSource IDE – Search file names within the file list on the right.
- WizSource Admin – Find Files tab has improved search criteria entry.
- For a non-PowerBuilder IDE, if the existing file is already up to date, Get Latest will not download it.
- New advanced option allows the status check process to download missing files.
- For a non-PowerBuilder IDE, check-in of unchanged files will instead uncheck-out.
- When choosing to 'Run Source Control' from the IDE's menu, new workspaces will be named after the project instead of 'New Project #'.
- WizSource IDE – fixed a bug in the saving of workspaces to the registry.
- New option on the Tools tab controls whether the IDE waits for the Diff tool.
- PBCompile & PBReboot - Update to latest PBOrcapi for PB 2019-R3 support.
- WizSource Admin - On the Explorer tab, the tree wasn't refreshing after Add Directory.
- WizSource Admin - On the Explorer tab, the file list wasn't refreshing after Create PBG.
Version 2.20 - July 19, 2020
- Fixed an issue where the wrong status was returned for target files when they had been removed from source control previously.
- Updated reports that show Ref Nbr. I made the column wider.
Version 2.19 - June 25, 2020
- On the History window, the Search & Edit functions from the Transactions tab are now on the Get Versions tab.
- Recompiled WizSource.dll using Visual Studio 2019.
Version 2.18 - March 15, 2020
- Fixed an issue with check-out from Visual Studio.
- The 'Delete the local file' option of the Remove from Source Control action was changed to not delete PowerBuilder target files or Visual Studio solution/project files.
- Fixed a problem in the Admin program that prevented opening the same report more than once.
Version 2.17 - November 30, 2019
- Fixed a connection error when using Windows Authentication with SQL Server (SNC).
Version 2.16 - July 29, 2019
- Added support for using the SNC driver for SQL Server connections.
- Added support for PowerBuilder 2019 to PBReboot and PBCompile batch programs.
Version 2.15 - April 15, 2019
- Changed email notification back to using the control it was using prior to version 2.13.
Version 2.14 - March 7, 2019
- Changed the Microsoft/Sybase table create script to use NVARCHAR/NTEXT for Unicode support. There is also an ALTER script to update your database.
- The SQL Server and SQL Anywhere database connections now use DisableBind=0 because it is required to support Unicode.
- Changed file out-of-date check to not be performed when the file is checked out to the current user.
- Adjusted the width of the comment on a couple of the reports.
- Added a new report: Transactions By Ref Nbr.
- Changed the License Manager and Error Log windows to use PBNISMTP for sending email.
Version 2.13 - January 1, 2019
- Updated error handling for Firebird duplicate row errors and table not found errors for all database types.
- Changed email notification to use PBNISMTP and send emails individually.
- Added a sub folder with PowerBuilder 2017 style object type bitmaps.
- Added a Packet Size logon option for database types that support it.
- SQL Server logon now supports choosing the OLE Provider.
- The Azure database type was removed because the SQL Server type can be used.
Version 2.12 - August 30, 2018
- Fixed issues with Firebird database support.
- Moved the database copy feature from the Admin program to a separate DBCopy program.
Version 2.11 - March 12, 2018
- Added support for the Oracle ORA database driver in the PB 12.0 and PB 12.5 builds. The Oracle 10g DB Type uses the O10 database driver.
Version 2.10 - January 10, 2018
- Added support for the Firebird database. There is a new create tables script for Firebird.
- The logon process now allows you to override the DBParm property.
- A new utility on the Admin program Tools menu copies WizSource data to a new database.
- New error message if the connection to the WizSource database is lost and cannot be restored.
- Fixed a bug in WizAdmin Explorer tab where deleting a directory didn't remove it from the treeview.
- The PBG Rebuild function no longer displays a MessageBox when done.
- There is a new option on the Global Options window to force directory and file names to be lower case. Oracle continues to be hard coded to force lower case.
Version 2.9.1 - November 8, 2017
- PBReboot was changed to handle .PBD files properly. Also added a return code for warnings.
- All three batch programs now write progress messages to the DOS console.
- Added additional debug messages.
Version 2.9 - September 13, 2017
- WizSource Admin - Moving files that are checked out is no longer allowed.
- WizSource Admin - Added Refresh List toolbar button to Explorer and Checked Out tabs.
- WizSource Admin & WizSource IDE - Added keyboard accelerators to menus.
- PBCompile and PBReboot now support PB 12.6 and PB 2017.
- PBCompile now supports 64bit executables introduced in PB 12.6.
- Fixed problem with Check-In Copy Comment not working.
- WizSource Admin - Source View tab was using the wrong icon.
- Fixed a bug in Rebuild PBG which caused bad object names when at project root.
- Updated PBEditor to latest version.